- When we study the horoscope of Donald Trump, benefic Graha Dasha period is running presently. Moreover, the yoga karaka GURU Dasha starts from 2016 Apr which gives huge success as JUP positioned in 2nd house from Lagna
- Prefession house (10th) in the chart is strong as it occupied by the SUN and exalted RAH. Based on the present Dasha & Anther dasha the Chances for Mr.Donald Trump are quite high to win the elevations in 2016
- When we study the chart of Hillary Clinton, the present Maha Dasha of SUN, wherein SUN got debilitated, is going on. In addition the planet SUN being malefic for Libra born people hence not beneficial
- Further if we look into the chart of Clinton, the profession (10th) house got occupied by debiltated MAR and SAT which does not form any benific yoga at present, hence it will be tough time for her in 2016
Note: It is may be noted that Predictions do not match if any variation in the birth time as accuracy of birth time is vey critical